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La Cucina Italiana - De Italiaanse Keuken - The Italian Kitchen
Bruschetta is a dish of such astonishing simplicity that you might say it’s not even worth blogging about. After all, the authentic, basic bruschetta is nothing more or less than grilled bread, rubbed with garlic and drizzled with olive oil, seasoned with a sprinkling of salt.
And besides, there are a million paper and online recipes for bruschetta, or so it seems. It appears on the menu of just about every Italian restaurant; sometimes you’ll even get a complementary plate without asking for it. In short, bruschetta has become a cliché, so who doesn’t know how to make it by now? […]
You need good, crusty bread with a substantial crumb—day old homemade pane casereccio is ideal—lightly grilled and drizzled with best quality, fruity extra virgin olive oil. And if you add the optional tomato topping, make sure your tomatoes are perfectly ripe and at the peak of their flavor. […]
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