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Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d’Italia
Sparvoli, 37, isn’t selling anything illegal. She’s selling truffles — specifically black Italian summer truffles and black winter truffles from Australia (a burgeoning growing region for the fungi given its opposite seasons) — to Pierre Schutz, the executive chef at the Mark Restaurant by Jean-Georges.
Francesca Sparvoli wheels around an insulated bag filled with about $6,000 worth of black truffles. She sells the pricey fungi to top chefs around the city and is on call 24/7.
Two years ago, Sparvoli, a native of the Marche region of Italy and a former journalist, moved to New York City with her then-boyfriend, now-husband, businessman Marco Bassi, to break into the NYC truffle trade. She and Bassi had always wanted to move to the city after visiting several times to run marathons, and the truffle business is in her blood — her family has been dealing truffles for three generations, and Marche is a major region for the fancy fungi.
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