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Achtergrond muziek tijdens uw (kerst) bijeenkomst boekt u bij www.italianentertainment.nl (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
Grotta del Petrienno, passando per Poggio Rocchetta, Agore e Rocchetta tutte frazioni per lo più disabitate dell’Acquasantano. Non potete perdervi questa fantastica attrazione! Un’immensa grotta al cui interno risiedono delle casupole in pietra grezza, a cui è possibile accedere passando sotto una bella cascata.
Siamo infatti nell’areale del Monte Ceresa o “Appennino Perduto”: un luogo abitato da secoli e ormai quasi completamente abbandonato; rimangono giusto poche piccole comunità.
Per fare questo percorso dovete parcheggiare nell’abitato di Poggio Rocchetta: individuarlo è facile. Dovete seguire le indicazioni per Tallacano e poi proseguire fino alla fine della strada brecciata (di solito ben sistemata). Lasciata l’auto e usciti dal paese, risalite il Fosso del Petrienno tra torrenti e cascatelle seguendo sempre i segni bianco rossi lungo il sentiero. […]
See on Scoop.it - Italian Entertainment And More
Italian Coffee Handbags and Lamps
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#Ciao #Silvio #Berlusconi (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
See on Scoop.it - Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d’Italia
I dati di Unaprol: l’Italia è il secondo Paese fornitore, con una quota di mercati del 23%. E si pensa a nuove iniziative di promozione
See on agronotizie.imagelinenetwork.com
See on Scoop.it - Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d’Italia
Vintage Made in Italy
See on italymagazine.com
See on Scoop.it - Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d’Italia
Stap voor stap: de bereiding van de enige echte prosciutto di Parma DOP, de beroemde Parmaham, die uiteindelijk wordt gekwalificeerd met een heus kroontje. Als we na afloop van onze reizen en reisjes door Italië onze koffer weer op de bagageband zetten, is deze zonder uitzondering een paar kilo zwaarder. Die kilo’s verzamelen we onderweg, dankzij cadeautjes van vrienden en onbekenden die ons toch echt wat van hun lokale specialiteiten willen laten proeven, zelf ingeslagen lekkers, souvenirs, cadeaus voor konijnen- en kattenoppas en mooie boeken.
See on ciaotutti.nl
See on Scoop.it - La Cucina Italiana - De Italiaanse Keuken - The Italian Kitchen
Recept voor espresso semifreddo met caramelsiroop. Lees meer op ZTRDG.nl.
See on ztrdg.nl
Beautiful decoration at the Little Italian indoor Village IL CAVALLINO. It can be booked for your event at www.italianentertainment.nl (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
Zoekt u voor uw #bedrijfsfeest nog een geschikte locatie? Kijk dan ook eens naar ons #overdekt #Italiaans #dorpje Il Cavallino. Meer info via Italian Entertainment (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
Nog eerder dan Volkswagens, waren er Fiats te zien in het straatbeeld van een nog nauwelijks geïndustrialiseerd China. Dat is helaas tot nu toe het enige succesvolle wapenfeit van Fiat geweest, op een automarkt waar inmiddels alle belangrijke Europese fabrikanten volop hun brood verdienen. Vooral de Duitse producenten profiteren maximaal van de sterke groei in het land. Succesvolle Italiaanse producten op de Chinese markt, zijn er enkel nog in het hoogste segment met Maserati en Ferrari.
Enciclopedia composta da 6 interessanti volumi rilegati dalla De Agostini, dedicata alla Ferrari e a tutti gli aspetti legati alla casa di Maranello (Dal modellismo, alle opere d’arte, alle auto motorizzate Ferrari eccetera).
I realise that we are probably two months behind the Canadian Albons but we are now under a metre of snow up here in the mountains.
On the other hand, you can picture the smile on Georges face this morning when he woke up to the new snow covering the garden and he realised that the schoolbus was not going to make the hill. He has been out to start the snowman in between sessions though and had sufficient time to throw a snowball down my neck.
As for the animals, Ambrogio and the chickens are not that impressed with the snow as they are now stable bound once again. Ambrogio had a quick peek outside when we came up to do the stable, but it was only a small peek before he decided the straw bed might be more comfortable after all.
The chickens would probably have come out and got themselves covered given the choice but we decided against it. The cats seem to be more sensible and have retired into the house and are refusing to venture out again.
Meanwhile Ascoli seems to have missed it once again with our town friends wondering what all the fuss is about!!! […]
See on Scoop.it - La Gazzetta Di Lella - News From Italy - Italiaans Nieuws
As Silvio Berlusconi prepares to face a vote on his explusion from parliament on Wednesday evening, one of Italy’s leading psychologists has said the former prime minister shows signs of “madness” and has a “personality disorder”. The diagnosis was made by Luigi Cancrini during an interview with Radio 24. He said Berlusconi, who in July was convicted of tax fraud by the supreme court - his first definitive criminal conviction, has “narcissistic personality disorder”.
See on m.thelocal.it
Unforgettable beaches, cliffs and caverns, some of which inhabited since the prehistory; and also national parks and WWF oasis. The diversity of the Marche is as wonderful as unusual and is reflected in the tables setting in this region of central Italy, overlooking on the east side the Adriatic Sea.
main course, second course and starter, from meats to wines. The kitchen of the Marche can be as nutritious and elaborate as simple and original: olive ascolane, vincisgrassi, ciauscolo, crescia sfogliata of Urbino. These are only some of the specialties of this land, so much appreciated to be adopted in the kitchens of other regions of the Italian boot. […]
Roy Angelo - Gezien tijdens Het Beste Van Italie bij Louwman Exclusive en te boeken via Italian Entertainment (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
Italy’s Mt. Etna, the most active volcano in europe, erupted twice in less than a week earlier this month. The first eruption took place on Nov. 16, the second on Nov. 23.
Lava flows were reportedly shot 700-800 meters in the air. Lightning was also present during the explosion, as well as plumes of gas, smoke and ash.
The ash traveled across the region, coating Giardini Naxos on Sicily with black dust. It also pushed across the Strait of Messina and into the mainland. Chunks of ash and rock fell from the sky, as big as 2 centimeters in diameter. Four air corridors that service Sicily’s Catania Airport and a local highway were closed for a time as a result of the raining volcanic debris.
Travel Italy with WebVisionItaly.com Italy travel video guides to Italy hotels, restaurants in Italy, and Italy destinations Rome, Florence and Venice.
Trulli Structures
A Trullo structure is a cone-roofed house dating back to the 16th century made of limestone block and are now a draw for many on an Italy vacation.
Il Capretto - La Bolla - La Salsiccia - te boeken via www.italianentertainment.nl (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
#Gruppo #Espresso en #Italian #Entertainment werken samen voor een nog completer pakket van #Italiaanse #Beleving en #Sfeer tijdens #evenementen! #gruppoespresso #italianentertainment (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
Duo La Prima Prosecco. Prachtige muziek en heerlijk Prosecco! Beschikbaar voor uw kerstborrel en nieuwjaars receptie. Meer info via www.italianentertainment.nl (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)