Italian Coffee Handbags Summer Collection (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
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Italian Coffee Handbags Summer Collection (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
#Cucina #Italiana - #Chef #Di #Lella (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
See on Scoop.it - Vacanza In Italia - Vakantie In Italie - Holiday In Italy
Geniet van de geneugten van de mediterrane sfeer op onvergetelijke reizen met MSC Preziosa, het nieuwe cruiseschip van MSC Cruises (Bij de haven in Genua zal het Italiaans komisch duo Ale & Franz aanwezig zijn bij de doop van de #MSCPreziosa
See on msccruises.nl
See on Scoop.it - La Cucina Italiana - De Italiaanse Keuken - The Italian Kitchen
Tips voor huis en wonen (Zelf pasta maken met een pastamachine http://t.co/6FYbr7aesX #pasta #koken #pastamachine #spaghetti #keuken)
See on woonhuis.blogspot.fr
See on Scoop.it - Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d’Italia
Viva Italia! Auto Motor Klassiek Nieuws (Blog) Viva Italia Op pinksterzondag, 19 mei is op het TT Circuit Assen ‘Viva Italia!’ Gericht op alle Italiaanse merken, of het nu vergane glorie of moderne trots betreft.
See on amklassiek.nl
Duurzame Cadeaus gemaakt van Hergebruikt Koffie Verpakkingsmateriaal (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
See on Scoop.it - La Cucina Italiana - De Italiaanse Keuken - The Italian Kitchen
Met groene, rode en gele paprika’s, sperzieboontjes en lente-uitjes.
Michele Acquarone, het hoofd van de organisatie van de klassieker Milaan-San Remo, pareert de kritiek van Tom Boonen en andere renners over hoe de organisatie heeft gehandeld tijdens de koers.
Boonen, renner van Omega Pharma-Quick Step, uitte zijn onvrede. ”Dit is geen Milaan-San Remo meer. Dit slaat nergens op.” De Belg stapte tijdens de koers af.
Acquarone zegt daarop dat de organisatie er alles aan gedaan heeft om de veiligheid van de renners te garanderen.
Heerlijke #Italiaanse #siropen van #Aliberti te verkrijgen bij www.c2cu.nl - #c2cu #bristot #gourmet (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
De nieuwe voorzitter van de Italiaanse senaat, Pietro Grasso, heeft donderdag aangekondigd dat hij zijn loon zal halveren en afstand zal doen van een aantal privileges. De zaterdag verkozen Grasso, lid van de centrumlinkse Democratische Partij (PD), wil daarmee het goede voorbeeld geven in een land dat gebukt gaat onder de economische crisis.
Door het besluit daalt het maandloon van Grasso van 18.600 euro naar 9.000 euro netto. De voorzitter van de senaat hoeft ook geen privéchauffeur en ziet af van gratis huisvesting.
Voor zijn politieke carrière maakte Grasso naam als rechter en procureur die hevig van leer trok tegen de Itlaiaanse maffia. Bookmakers tippen Grasso nu al als toekomstig Italiaans premier.
San Giovanni in Sinis, Sardinia - Sardegna, Italy (San Giovanni in Sinis, Sardinia - Sardegna, Italy http://t.co/mXpaX3slwd)
Vintage fashion can really make a statement and there’s no better way than letting your feet do all the walkin’ and all the talkin’ when it comes to standing out. If you’ve never thought to experiment with vintage shoes then perhaps now is the time to introduce some retro styles to your wardrobe?
Barracuda Shoes has realized a 80s look shoes collection that can make any outfit look cool and they’re a great way of adding an element of vintage to current fashion items. Wear with skinny jeans, bermudas or a summery dress when the weather gets hotter.
Barracuda Shoes add height and comfort to your style. They look awesome teamed with skinny jeans, white socks and turn-ups. They take a bit of getting used to, but look totally cool.
Barracuda shoes proposes revisited Brogues for women.
The beauty of this type of shoe is that it’s very masculine which means they can look amazing worn with feminine clothing such as dresses and skirts (two colors socks are really cool). If you want to go for an androgynous look then wear with trousers (opt for a slim leg) and a light turtle neck or tank top.
Take a deep breath. No, into your wine glass. Can you smell that? It’s spring.
Yes, the first day of spring was yesterday, which had me thinking — I know I’ve heard of wines having a “floral nose.” But how much can wine really smell like flowers?
Turns out, it can quite a bit. Moscato, Gewurztraminer and torrontes are among the most-aromatic white wines, according to Jonna Brandon at The Twisted Vine; shiraz, syrah, lacrima and schioppettino are the top picks when it comes to reds. (And, if you’re so inclined, Fiano di Avellino has a spearmint scent — but doesn’t taste of it.)
Some have just a whiff of floral notes that, among others, the discerning nose might not even register. Others are so strong and clear that anyone would notice them. For the most part, though, the “wines with floral aromatics” — as the owner of the Grandview shop calls them — are minor grapes that many people haven’t heard of. To an attuned nose, the scents can range from earthy geranium to sweet orange blossom and lilies.
If you’re interested in sniffing out this phenomenon for yourself, I would suggest you sample one like I did: the Kerria Lacrima di Morro D’Alba ($17 at The Twisted Vine). Brandon had me sold when she likened the scent to roses and lilies, and she couldn’t have been more right.
This one was so convincingly floral-smelling, I wasn’t sure it would taste like wine. But it did — dry and more spicy than fruity, but still light on the tongue. Plus, I loved that it was a pleasure to inhale with each sip (swirl it and allow it to settle first to get the best read).
How wine comes to have that characteristic is up for debate, Brandon said — some winemakers think it’s influenced by the soil, while others say it has to do with how ripe the grapes are when they’re picked.
We’ll leave that debate to the professionals. In the meantime, care to cheers the start of spring with a glass of wine?
Lente in Sicilië van Manuela Darling-Gansser is het vierde deel van de populaire (deels uitverkochte) reeks kookboeken met de titels: Onder de olijfboom, Herfst in Piemonte, Winter in de Alpen. Dit kleurrijke, prachtig geïllustreerde kookboek vertelt je meer over dit bijzondere eiland en de ingrediënten die er veel worden gebruikt. De vele recepten vullen het geheel aan. Sicilië heeft een eigen karakter wat je terugziet in de exotische Arabische specerijen, zachte verse ricotta, pasta met sterke lokale smaken, beroemde desserts en een overdaad aan verse vis, sinaasappels, limoenen en pistachenootjes.
De Italiaanse bloemenriviera (Liguria) is de prachtige, groene kuststrook ten oosten en westen van de havenplaats Genua. Men kan deze streek in twee delen splitsen. De westelijke kustlijn, de Riviera di Ponente is een smalle kustvlakte die zich uitstrekt van Genua tot aan de Franse grens. De oostelijke kustlijn, aan de andere kant van Genua, kenmerkt zich door zijn woestere landschap. Hier ziet men vaak imposante rotspartijen en kiezelstranden direct aan zee. Het is een kust met kleine vissersdorpjes tussen steile kliffen en steile bergen.
Italy has more of Europe’s cultural heritage than any other country — and the Italians are doing a fine job of sharing it with their visitors. Here is the latest, gleaned from my guidebook research for 2013:
Rome has made visiting the Vatican Museum easier. You can often buy same-day, skip-the-line tickets from the tourist-information office in St. Peter’s Square; it’ll cost the same price you’d pay if you had reserved online (15-euro ticket plus 4-euro reservation fee).
Massive crowds line up to see Florence’s cathedral — the Duomo — which is free to enter. Here’s how to skip the line: If you’re already planning to visit the cathedral-related sights — the Duomo Museum, Baptistery, and Campanile — that require a combo-ticket to see, buy your ticket first at the less-crowded museum. You can use it to enter through the cathedral’s exit, bypassing the lines at the front door.
E tanto per cambiare….stamattina piove!
A dire il vero meglio così, infatti da come si era messo a nevicare ieri sera tardi, non prevedevo davvero nulla di buono. Già mi immaginavo stamane tutta bardata insieme al marito a spalare il cortile per poter uscire in macchina a portare a scuola la ragazza…e poi per permettere a marito e suocero di poter uscire per andare al lavoro…
Invece grazie al cielo, nulla di tutto questo…disagio, freddo, umido e grigiore quelli si e in abbondanza, ma niente pale rosse, che gioia!
Qualcuno dirà che sono terrorizzata e fissata con lo spalamento, beh vi rispondo che si è vero, odio fare questa cosa, anche perchè poi per alcuni giorni resto bloccata con il collo e il braccio e, vi assicuro non è per nulla divertente!!
Comunque, tornando a noi, l’inverno sembra essere prepotentemente ritornato a farci compagnia e quindi anche sulle mie paginette virtuali compare ancora qualche ricetta abbastanza corposa, che effettivamente quando fa freddo si consuma volentieri.
Non saprei dire se è il caso di questa pasta….molto sostanziosa e saporita, è un connubio fra gli spinacini freschi e teneri, il profumo del timo e la corposità di un formaggio come il camembert.
I colori potrebbero richiamare la primavera, ma la sua corposità potrebbe dirsi tipica di un piatto invernale…non so, vedete voi!
A noi è molto piaciuta, è un primo che comunque è molto sostanzioso e lo consiglio abbinato ad una bella insalata o macedonia di frutta, senza altro….