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Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d'Italia

When Gilda Ambrosio enters a room—or parades down the stradas much to the delight of many a street style photographer—she is easily identified by the swish of her cascading, jet-black hair. Beauty is something Naples-born Ambrosio, one half of the cult cool-girl label, Attico, cares a lot about. After all, it’s in her DNA: No matter how busy an Italian woman is, she will always make sure her lengths are well-groomed and her nails manicured, the 25-year-old explains. Picking up time-tested self-care secrets from her grandmother, Ambrosio admittedly spends hours at her local salon, where she gets her hair blow-dried to pin-straight perfection up to four times a week. However, for Ambrosio, less is more when it comes to makeup, which, she says, Italians approach in a “gentler” way than Americans. Below, Ambrosio breaks down her insider playbook with her It-girl tips, her top Milanese addresses, and the tricks to achieving that belladonna glow.
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