#BigBand The #Invisibles for TOP #entertainment at your #Company #Event or #Summer #Festival. (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
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#BigBand The #Invisibles for TOP #entertainment at your #Company #Event or #Summer #Festival. (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
See on Scoop.it - La Gazzetta Di Lella - News From Italy - Italiaans Nieuws
Hevige sneeuwval, lawinegevaar en een flinke storm verstoren donderdag het weg-, spoor- en vliegverkeer in Zwitserland, Oostenrijk en Noord-Italië.
See on mobiel.nu.nl
The Invisibles. Visit the band online on www.italianentertainment.nl and listen to their Italian repertoire! (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
See on Scoop.it - La Gazzetta Di Lella - News From Italy - Italiaans Nieuws
De Zweedse supermarktketen ICA heeft iets met Italiaanse truffels. Om die eens goed aan het publiek voor te stellen, had een redacteur van het blad Buffé, de glossy van ICA, een stukje geschreven over truffels. Daarbij prees hij dictator Benito Mussolini en dat ging veel Zweden te ver.
See on wtf.nl
See on Scoop.it - La Gazzetta Di Lella - News From Italy - Italiaans Nieuws
Un metro e mezzo di neve è caduto a Madesimo in queste ore creando enormi disagi alla viabilità e alla popolazione, soprattutto per quanto riguarda la linea elettrica. Fino alla mattinata di oggi il paese era isolato, poi è stata aperta una delle due strade che conduce alla località turistica. Per quanto riguarda, invece, il blackout, i disagio ha interessato la zona dell’Alta Valle Spluga da ieri sera e non è ancora stato risolto.
See on laprovinciadilecco.it
The #Pavarotti #Lookalike from #Italian #Entertainment at #Cavallaro #Napoli can also be booked for your #event! (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
See on Scoop.it - La Gazzetta Di Lella - News From Italy - Italiaans Nieuws
Silvio Berlusconi’s lawyers dismiss claims that he was secretly filmed in Panama having sex with prostitutes Silvio Berlusconi was secretly filmed having sex with prostitutes during a visit to Panama, it was claimed on Friday. The secret footage was allegedly taken by Walter Lavitola, a businessman and associate of the former prime minister who was previously been convicted of attempting to blackmail him.
See on telegraph.co.uk
See on Scoop.it - Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d’Italia
Shoppers are turning to a festive hamper which includes produce from land that has been seized from the Italian mafia They are Christmas hampers with a uniquely Italian twist — boxes full of wine, olive oil, honey and other treats, but all produced from farmland confiscated from the country’s ruthless mafia clans. As Italians finish the last of their festive shopping this year, the unusual hampers are proving a hit and dealing a symbolic blow against Italy’s powerful organised crime groups.
See on telegraph.co.uk