SYNONYMS: Oliva DolceORIGIN: Marche and Central ItalyUSE: TableTREE: A tree of great vigor with dense foliage and a tendency toward upward growth. The leaves are elliptical, lanceolate, and medium in size with a brilliant green color.FRUIT: The fruit is very large in size (8 to 10g), ellipsoidal, and slightly asymmetrical with a rounded, slightly sub-conical top. The fruit is light green in color at harvest and used as table fruit. The flesh represents about 86-87% of the fruit and is of a milky white color and can yield 16-18% oil by weight and is classified as a light oil.AGRONOMY: An auto-incompatible cultivar with a high percentage of aborted ovaries. Pollinators: Santa Caterina, Itrana, Rosciola, Leccino, Giarraffa, Pendolino. Good resistance to cold and peacock spot. Susceptible to damage from the olive fly.OIL CONTENT:16-18% by weight. Although the percentage of oil is not high its quality is excellent.HARVEST TIME: In Italy, this variety is harvested early, from September 20th to October 15thCOMMENTS: This cultivar is prized and is used and appreciated all around the world.
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