dinsdag 23 juli 2013

Isola Comacina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See on Scoop.it - Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d’Italia

Isola Comacina is a small wooded island of Italy’s Lake Como, administratively a part of the commune of Ossuccio. It is located close to the western shore of the Como arm of the lake in front of a gulf known as Zoca de l’oli, a Lombard name referring to the local small-scale production of olive oil. In the late 6th century (c. 587) the island was a remaining Roman stronghold under Francio, a subordinate of Narses; though the areas surrounding Lake Como were entirely controlled by the Lombards. The island was besieged for a good deal of time by the Lombards under Authari who released Francio to flee back to Narses’ capital at Ravenna.[1] The Lombards found the island to contain “many riches" deposited for safekeeping by local Roman loyalists.

In 1919 the island was given to Belgium, in homage to King Albert I. The island was returned the following year.[2]

The island now consists of a restaurant, cafe, and collection of archaeological sites.

See on en.wikipedia.org

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