woensdag 25 september 2013

The Italian Dish | Six Pasta Rules

See on Scoop.it - La Cucina Italiana - De Italiaanse Keuken - The Italian Kitchen

Let’s have a review of pasta rules, shall we? I still hear far too many people ask whether they should rinse their cooked pasta or not. Really? Haven’t we settled this long ago? I guess some myths still remain. So let’s just touch on some helpful rules of cooking pasta:

Six Rules of Pasta

Weigh your pasta…Salt your water…Be wary of pasta package directions…Don’t pour out your pasta water…Don’t oversauce your pasta…Let the sauce and pasta cook together for a couple of minutes…

These are the most important rules of cooking pasta that I think you should keep in mind. What are your pasta rules?

See on theitaliandishblog.com

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