maandag 6 oktober 2014

Panoram Italia - Blog - Genoan Denim: Blue jeans' origin traced back to 16th century Genoa

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The first jeans were made for the Genoese Navy because it required robust trousers for its sailors that could be worn wet or dry, and whose legs could easily be rolled up to wear while swabbing the deck.These jeans would be laundered by dragging them in large mesh nets behind the ship, and the sea water would bleach them white.The first denim came from Nîmes, France, hence de Nimes, the name of the fabric. The French bleu de Gênes, from the Italian blu di Genova, literally the “blue of Genoa” dye of their fabric, is the root of the names for these trousers, “jeans” and “blue jeans”, today”.

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