#Espresso #Wine - more to come!
Espresso Wine is the first line of products with #Italian #quality #wines proposed in a #single #serve #glass - #hygienical, ready-to-drink and easy-to-carry #solution. #HACCP procedures are #rigorously #respected and the #organoleptic #properties of the product cointained in the glass remain #unaltered until #consumption. A peculiar process of #airtight #sealing, under-vacuum (protected and patented at a worldwide level), together with a PET single dose #ergonomic #container, preserve the elevated qualities of the wine. Espresso Wine introduces the best Italian wines and not only, in a unique, #captivating and #customizable #packaging!
Meer info binnenkort. Interesse? Mail naar info@italielinks.nl
@gustodilella @thingsfromitaly #espressowine #winetogo @winetogo (bij Di Lella Productions)
via Tumblr http://bit.ly/1E2VvWs