dinsdag 13 november 2012

Top 10 foods to eat in Italy (and Le Marche) in the Autumn

See on Scoop.it - La Cucina Italiana - De Italiaanse Keuken - The Italian Kitchen

I Tartufi (EE tar-TOO-fee / Truffles) Il Vino Novello (EEL VEE-noh noh-VEHL-loh / New Wine) L’Olio Nuovo (LOHL-ee-oh NOO-oh-voh / New Olive Oil) and Le Olive (LEH oh-LEE-veh / Olives) I Funghi Porcini (EE FOON-ghee pohr-CHEE-nee / Porcini Mushrooms) I Fichi (EE FEE-kee / Figs) Le Castagne or I Marroni (LEH cah-STAH-nyeh or EE mah-ROH-nee / Chestnuts) and Il Castagnaccio (EEL kah-stahn-YAHCH-cho / Chestnut Flour Cake) Schiacciata con l’Uva (skeeach-CHA-tah AHL LOO-vah / Grape Tuscan Bread) and L’Uva (LOO-vah / Grapes) Le Zucche (LEH ZOO-keh / Squash or Pumpkin) I Cachi or I Diosperi (EE CAHK-ee or EE dee-OHS-pehr-ee / Persimmons) I Fichi d’India (EE FEE-kee DEEN-dee-ah / Prickly Pears) READ

See on blog.studentsville.it

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