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Italian Properties - Italiaans Onroerend Goed
Blessed with some of the most dazzling landscapes in all of the Mediterranean, Sardinia is a fascinating island with wonderfully kind people.
The second largest island in the Mediterranean (after Sicily), Sardinia is a unique and endlessly beguiling place. It has an intriguing history, it contains extraordinarily colourful landscapes, unspoilt and unchanged for thousands of years. It shelters wildlife so diverse and exotic that the island has sometimes been dubbed ‘the Galapagos of the Med’. Clean, uncrowded, elemental and distinctive, Sardinia remains one of Italy’s most special places.
It’s worth spending a moment considering some of the island’s many landscapes. Beaches here are so beautiful that Sardinia has sometimes stood in for the Caribbean in television commercials
The island variously offers white or golden sand lapped by bright turquoise water, paprika-coloured soil, sun-blonde plains backed by low hills cloaked in cork trees, pine forests flanked by fragrant ‘macchia’ and high mountains inevitably decorating the far distance.
Incredibly the crowds are still small, and their coming hasn’t generated the usual tourism-eyesores such as ranks of high-rise buildings. It’s just not that sort of island. And careful laws protect it from ever becoming that sort of island – which, in turn, protects the value of property here. The truth is that clean, sleepy Sardinia is way off most tourists’ itinerary of Italy.
It was the Aga Khan, who first drew foreign visitors’ attention to Sardinia in the 1960s, and established the ‘Costa Smeralda’ as a quietly opulent holiday area for the rich and famous.
Thankfully, budget airlines began opening up Sardinia from the year 2000 onwards, and delighted visitors realized that there was far more to this island paradise than the fabled Costa Smeralda in the northeast.
Today there are properties available on Sardinia to suit every budget – from lush villas to smart townhouses to inexpensive apartments to country homes large and small.
This island is still the haunt of the rich and famous, and there are plenty of properties here that reflect this.
On the subject of visitor interest, Sardinia is a great place to buy property if you hope to rent your home out to holidaymakers. Rental prospects are very good on the island, especially for properties on or near the coast (particularly Russians are increasingly interested).
Proximity to the sea is important, but not essential if the apartment is situated in a complex with a pool. Sea-views are obviously a plus.
Wherever you choose to buy on Sardinia, you can be sure that you’ll find yourself increasingly bewitched by this island’s unique personality. Culturally quirky, geographically stupendous, sensitively developed and very warmly welcoming, this is truly one of the Mediterranean’s most magical places.
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