#Happy #New #Year - #Felice #Anno #Nuovo (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
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#Happy #New #Year - #Felice #Anno #Nuovo (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
De #duurzame #Pizza #dames zijn vanaf 2014 beschikbaar via Italian Entertainment And More. Zeer geschikt voor uw duurzame bijeenkomst of bedrijfsfeest. (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
Robuste tafel Koffielamp Te Koop van TikTak Café Plata (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
Te Koop - For Sale - Unieke Koffielamp tafelmodel. (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
When Ashley and Jason Bartner left New York to set up an organic farm and cooking school in rural Le Marche, they didn’t speak Italian or know how to grow their own food. Ashley explains how they embraced the change and settled into the local community.
Fabio Cappellano, long time GVCI associate has proudly received the news that 4 of the Restaurants of the Qualitalia franchise are among the 50 Best Italian Restaurants in the Netherlands. Well done!
Alvast fijne jaarwisseling en een voorspoedig nieuwjaar van Italian Coffee Handbags and Lamps (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
See on Scoop.it - Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d’Italia
Nieuwjaar bij het Gardameer met feesten, vuurwerk en nieuwjaarsduiken. Het nieuwe jaar wordt ook bij het Gardameer traditiegetrouw met feest en vuurwerk ingezet. In veel stadjes zijn er party’s en Silvesterfeesten die beginnen op Oudejaarsavond, zoals in Riva del Garda, Arco, Salo (Piazza Vittoria) en Malcesine (Piazza Statuto). Na 12 uur barst het feest los op veel pleinen en boulevards langs het Gardameer. In sommige plaatsen, zoals Riva del Garda en Malcesine wordt 2014 verwelkomd met een spectaculair vuurwerk. Nieuwsjaarsduik Op Nieuwjaarsdag vindt op een aantal plaatsen de traditionele nieuwjaarsduik plaats in het ijskoude water van het Gardameer. Zoals in Riva del Garda, om 11 uur op Piazza III Novembre, en Brenzone.
See on gardameer-nu.nl
#Countdown to a #Fantastic #Italian #New #Year - #Felice #Anno #Nuovo - #Happy #2014 (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
See on Scoop.it - Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d’Italia
The Daily Typical Italian Stuff, by TypicalItalianStuff: Typische Italiaanse Producten. Veelal traditioneel en alom herkenbaar!
See on paper.li
See on Scoop.it - La Cucina Italiana - De Italiaanse Keuken - The Italian Kitchen
Wat te doen met een (restje) panettone na de Kerst? Daar maak je bijvoorbeeld een heerlijke taart van met deze geweldige vulling van mascarpone en frambozen. Taart zonder baktijd, dus in een handomdraai klaar. Laat de taart minimaal een dag te laten rusten zodat de cake wat smeuïger wordt. Buon appetito!
See on zitizitoni.nl
Twee heel dierbare personen kwamen in oktober met een klein gezelschap naar Rome. We pakten onze tassen en brachten de laatste twee dagen van hun reis samen door. Heel bijzondere dagen werden dat en het afscheid op Termini was dan ook even slikken.
Church bells ring out as we enter Urbino, a walled medieval city in the Marche region of Italy. We ride our bikes up and down steep and narrow cobble-stoned alleyways, stopping at a café, across from the Palazzo Ducale, the main attraction in this UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The palace is considered a cultural gem because of its Renaissance paintings. But on this hot day last spring we don’t have the time or energy to visit. Instead of works by Raphael and Piero della Francesca, all I want is an Americano and Diet Coke to replenish my electrolytes.
Our group of four riders - a retired Whistler realtor, two Brits and myself - is weary after several long climbs. We’re only half way into a 100-kilometre, four-hour ride. And we’re here for the romance of Italian cycling, not past artistic glories.
We’re staying at the Belvedere Bike Hotel, which has become a magnet for recreational cyclists - many of them from Vancouver - who want guided rides through the kind of hilly pastoral terrain and towns they may have seen in broadcasts of the Giro d’Italia.
The Belvedere has gained a meme-like quality among road bike riders in the Vancouver area. Or at least those who own high-priced carbon-fibre bikes, religiously check their heart rate monitors, enter Gran Fondo races and happily rise at dawn to watch live TV feeds of European Grand Tour bike races.
Not that we mind. It’s an adrenalin rush. It’s why we came to the Belvedere.
We’re happily dazed and spent when we finally dismount at the hotel. Next on the agenda is a poolside lunch, a few hours of rest watching the French Open tennis, a swim in the sea or the pool, aperitivos at dusk and a dinner buffet, with a never-ending supply of vino rosso. Eat. Ride. Drink. […]
Stand in the Colosseum’s massive bowl and you can practically hear the roar of the ancient crowd. But to capture the sounds of today’s Rome, it’s best to get away from the flurry of tourists and settle into a quaint trattoria…
Hidden gems — ignored by the guidebooks, well off the tourist path — await in nearly every nook of this wondrous city. Of course, visitors should crane their necks at the Vatican, sip espresso at an open-air bar in Piazza Navona and climb the Spanish Steps. But in a place with a history so long and rich that it is dubbed “the Eternal City,” only one approach seems plausible: Peel away the layers, savoring each one, to get a deeper sense of the place. […]
Passerina Brut Velenosi, Charmat Method
The Passerina vine, with its rich aromatic properties, is particularly apt to make sparkling wine with the Charmat method. From harvest to fermentation, a new, very fine wine is produced, aged on the lees for about 90 days (Charmat Lungo). The wine obtained is a sparkling wine with a fine and persistent perlage, creamy and silky, with heady and enthralling scents creating and living up to the expectations and makes you want to drink more. Alcohol content: 12,5%
Colour: Bright yellow with greenish shades. Persistent and thin perlage.
Smell: A successful fusion of soft fruity nuances and fresh flowery sensations. Intense, fine, fragrant, recalling acacia flowers, pleasurable and very elegant, with white fruit, peach and citron aromas.
Taste: Lively citrus fruit sensations, soft nuances of bread crust, enthralling aromas of white flowers, together with freshness and flavour (enhanced by its appetizing petillant) are pleasingly in contrast with the smoothness of this wine. Excellent persistence with an agreeable taste/smell match. […]
High expression of quality craftsmanship, the Farfalla brand is linked to the production of authentic handmade Italian shoes.
Commonly called “slippers”, but not only suitable for indoor use, Farfalla footwear fit perfectly in the category of modern slip-on loafers, a timeless line of shoes that today is so much appreciated by major designers labels as to become trendy.
For each season, Farfalla offers several models of open or closed slippers, for man or woman.
Comfortable and elegant, Farfalla slippers are distinguished into two main categories:
- evergreen, for a timeless but contemporary look;
- glam, for a fashionable and trendy look.
In addition to the traditional Classic line slippers, for each of the above categories Farfalla shoe factory also produces particularly soft and flexible slippers practical for travelling.
To meet the customer’s wishes, Farfalla shoes can be customized with a name or initials and manufactured with further variations to their standard features.
Venetie is de stad van de gondels. Er varen er duizenden en duizenden en in het hoogseizoen leveren ze hun gewicht in goud op. Venetie, 15 december 2013. - Venetie, Italië | Reisreporter.nl
Registrata poco dopo le 18 con magnitudo 5. Scene di panico in alcune strade del centro. Paura anche nel Casertano e a Benevento. De Magistris su Twitter. “Nessun danno, utilizziamo i cellullari solo se necessario”. Anche Letta segue la situazione. Almeno altre sette scosse di assestamento fino alle 19, non avvertite dalla popolazione. A Maddaloni, un uomo si lancia dal balcone per la paura e si ferisce leggermente
Clean, meticulously crafted contours: attention to design is the defining strength of Nazareno Gabrielli.
Cutting-edge technologies and our creative team of designers combine to produce unique objects.
An intuitive approach to the craft, meticulous care in the production of every item and carefully researched solutions designed to ensure optimum use.
Attention to detail is one of the core principles of our philosophy
See on Scoop.it - Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d’Italia
Making mozzarella at a farm dairy near Altamura: There are more than 400 different cheeses in Italy. Most of them are still made at small farm dairies. And there’s nothing like the taste of fresh mozzarella. Entering the small, farm dairy at masseria La Selva between Altamura and Matera feels like opening a forgotten page in a history book. In Denmark, 97% of all cheese and dairy products are supplied by a few huge co-operative dairy plants, while the Italians seem to have skipped the industrialization of dairy farming all together. La Selva still produces cheese and milk in a room next door to the stables, where a herd of 30-40 curious cows are munching hay. The distance from farm to fork is nonexistent.
See on italiannotes.com
See on Scoop.it - La Cucina Italiana - De Italiaanse Keuken - The Italian Kitchen
Cenone di Capodanno. Chi inizia bene il 2014 a tavola continuerà così tutto l’anno. Almeno a seguire il vecchio adagio. Per dare il benvenuto all’anno nuovo in un ristorante, c’è solo l’imbarazzo della scelta.
It’s easy to buy the gnocchi at the supermarket but have you ever thought of making your own at home? Feel and taste the difference.
Thus the saying Giovedì gnocchi, Venerdi pesce (Thursday gnocchi, Friday fish). The days in other Italian regions differ though. Nowadays, this tradition is not as followed as before so you can find gnocchi any day of the week and no one will grab your dish away from you if it’s not the right day. [ http://www.apronandsneakers.com/]
1 pound starchy potatoes4 ounces flour + extra for sprinkling1 eggSalt2 ounces butter6-8 fresh sage leavesParmesan cheese, grated1/2 teaspoon poppy seeds
See on Scoop.it - Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d’Italia
De winkel van QualItalia op RTL4 met presentator Ferry de Graaf - Lifestyle Experience
See on youtube.com
Samen met Saskia van Ciao Tutti op Het Beste Van Italie (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
Il Cavallino Details - Private Location for Italian Events And More (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
Il Cavallino Details - Private Location for Italian Events And More
Il Cavallino Details - Private Location for Italian Events And More (bij Il Cavallino - Private Location for Italian Events And More)
See on Scoop.it - Italian Entertainment And More
De Belgische speelfilm over het leven van Rocco Granata, de vertolker van de wereldhit Marina, is een doorslaand succes in de bioscopen. Stond de teller in ons bericht over de film in onze gedrukte krant nog op 100.000; inmiddels kochten 300.000 Belgen een kaartje!
See on ilgiornale.nl
'Hij heeft de Sahara doorkruist, de Libische gevangenis doorstaan en is een paar uur geleden niet verdronken. Voor hem geen genummerde kist op de kade van Lampedusa. Op nog geen meter afstand staat een cameraman zijn gezicht te filmen.' Italië-correspondent Sarah Venema blikt voor Volkskrant.nl terug op een bijzonder moment in 2013.
See on Scoop.it - Italian Entertainment And More
De jaren 80 van de vorige eeuw waren de hoogtijdagen van de Italiaanse muzieksoort Italodisco. Sabrina, Ryan Paris, Baltimora, Raf, Fun Fun! Ken je ze nog? De grootste klassieke componisten ter wereld komen uit Italië maar in de jaren 80 van de vorige eeuw creëerden hun nazaten een moderne en succesvolle muzieksoort, de Italodisco. Een lekkere vette discosound die het hele jaar deed verlangen naar de Italiaanse zomer.
See on ilgiornale.nl
See on Scoop.it - Vacanza In Italia - Vakantie In Italie - Holiday In Italy
Why visit Venice and the Veneto? This is the Italy of the imagination…except it’s real. This is the Italy you’ve always seen in the movies….this time though you’re the star. You don’t need to go on any pre-booked tour either. There is now a new way of organizing your trip. Simply check out the photos below – find the ones you like- and click! You’ll be well on your way to the Veneto and Venice in no time.
See on venice-italy-veneto.com
Your next summer vacation will be Lake Garda in Italy! (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
See on Scoop.it - Vacanza In Italia - Vakantie In Italie - Holiday In Italy
Campings en kampeerplaatsen aan het Gardameer. Op zoek naar een camping bij het Gardameer vinden liefhebbers van kamperen met tent, vouwwagen, caravan of camper hier een lijst van campings per plaats, met classificatie. Kamperen aan het Gardameer kent een lange traditie. Al tientallen jaren vormen de prachtige campings aan het Gardameer een populaire vakantiebestemming voor veel Nederlanders en hun kinderen. Liefhebbers van kamperen die zelf met een tent, vouwwagen of caravan naar Italie gaan kunnen kiezen uit bijna 100 campings.
See on gardameer-nu.nl
See on Scoop.it - Italian Entertainment And More
Net als ieder jaar kijken we naar Italiaanse muziek en hits van Italiaanse artiesten en zangers in de top2000! Wat een feest blijft het toch om de grootste mix aan muziekstijlen en artiesten deze dagen langs te horen komen. Natuurlijk letten wij zoals ieder jaar weer op de Italiaanse artiesten.
See on ilgiornale.nl
Geen witte kerst voor Flavio Briatore (63) dit jaar. De voormalige F1-teamchef bij Benetton en Renault geniet tijdens deze feestdagen samen met zijn bevallige vrouw Elisabetta Gregoraci (33) en zoontje Falco Nathan van de zon aan de Keniaanse kust. Dat kilootje te veel –? bij Flavio bedoelen we dan?– weerhield hem er niet van om op het strand van Malindi te pronken met zijn Italiaans model.
De Nederlandse filmcritici hebben de Italiaanse tragikomedie La Grande Bellezza uitgeroepen tot beste bioscoopfilm van 2013. Dat heeft de Kring van Nederlandse Filmjournalisten (KNF) bekendgemaakt.
De beste Nederlandse film van het jaar was volgens de critici de zwarte komedie Borgman van regisseur Alex van Warmerdam.
De film van regisseur Paolo Sorrentino gaat over een oudere journalist die in Rome op zoek is naar inspiratie voor zijn tweede boek. La Grande Bellezza werd eerder onderscheiden tijdens de European Film Awards.
De Nederlandse filmcritici kozen als tweede film het ruimte-epos Gravity van regisseur Alfonso Cuaron.
Een jonge Franse skiër is vandaag om het leven gekomen bij een lawine in Turijn, in het noorden van Italië. Dat meldt het persagentschap Ansa. Sterke wind, regen en sneeuw veroorzaken sinds gisteren winterchaos in Noord-Italië.
Tienduizenden mensen zaten vandaag zonder stroom, vooral in Piemonte en in het wintersportgebied Cortina d’Ampezzo. Het auto- en treinverkeer is bovendien verstoord.
Le Marche, (pronounced Mar-kay) is an undiscovered gem. Situated in central Italy, between the Adriatic sea and the Apennine mountains, it’s the region I call home. We are trying to keep it quiet really, but I just have to share the secret of wonderful shopping here.
Marche is known for it’s leather craftmanship and artisans, producing 90% of all Italy’s shoes. Many are hidden in the hill-top towns (in the centre of Marche near Fermo), family run businesses quietly making beautiful leather items for the big designer names.
Best known of course is Tod’s, whose famous moccasins/driving shoes and handbags are always favourites with celebrities and royalty. The classic “D” bag, named after Princess Diana, is now also being carried by Kate Middleton. Why pay high-street prices when you can come to the factory store and enjoy soaking up the atmosphere of Italy at the same time! You can find the “D‘ handbag in many different colours in their stylish store at 495 euros, reduced from 890 euros. […]
In a famous prophesy a medieval monk known as Venerable Bede wrote that “Rome will exist as long as the Colosseum does; when the Colosseum falls so will Rome; when Rome falls so will the world.”
While that moment isn’t at hand, the Colosseum is a mess. Traffic pollution has blackened the once colorful walls and pieces have fallen off. The recession means the city can’t afford to clean up the ultimate symbol of ancient Rome’s might and majesty, so they took up an offer from a modern Italian icon, the luxury leather goods company Tod’s, owned by Diego della Valle.
Valle told CBS News’ Allen Pizzey that he’s spending $33 million to fix the monument because he is an Italian.
“I am very proud to be Italian,” he said. “This is the most important Italian monument and symbol.” […]
See on Scoop.it - Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d’Italia
Subtle this bike ain’t, but what else would you expect from Radical Ducati? Their latest build uses a donor bike that we know for it’s incredible performance (and it’s steep $40k price tag!
See on Scoop.it - La Cucina Italiana - De Italiaanse Keuken - The Italian Kitchen
Check out who is ready to celebrate Italian Cuisine this year.
See on idic.itchefs-gvci.com
See on Scoop.it - La Cucina Italiana - De Italiaanse Keuken - The Italian Kitchen
Mario Caramella´s version of this year´s recipe.
See on idic.itchefs-gvci.com
#BigBand The #Invisibles for TOP #entertainment at your #Company #Event or #Summer #Festival. (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
See on Scoop.it - La Gazzetta Di Lella - News From Italy - Italiaans Nieuws
Hevige sneeuwval, lawinegevaar en een flinke storm verstoren donderdag het weg-, spoor- en vliegverkeer in Zwitserland, Oostenrijk en Noord-Italië.
See on mobiel.nu.nl
The Invisibles. Visit the band online on www.italianentertainment.nl and listen to their Italian repertoire! (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
See on Scoop.it - La Gazzetta Di Lella - News From Italy - Italiaans Nieuws
De Zweedse supermarktketen ICA heeft iets met Italiaanse truffels. Om die eens goed aan het publiek voor te stellen, had een redacteur van het blad Buffé, de glossy van ICA, een stukje geschreven over truffels. Daarbij prees hij dictator Benito Mussolini en dat ging veel Zweden te ver.
See on wtf.nl
See on Scoop.it - La Gazzetta Di Lella - News From Italy - Italiaans Nieuws
Un metro e mezzo di neve è caduto a Madesimo in queste ore creando enormi disagi alla viabilità e alla popolazione, soprattutto per quanto riguarda la linea elettrica. Fino alla mattinata di oggi il paese era isolato, poi è stata aperta una delle due strade che conduce alla località turistica. Per quanto riguarda, invece, il blackout, i disagio ha interessato la zona dell’Alta Valle Spluga da ieri sera e non è ancora stato risolto.
See on laprovinciadilecco.it
The #Pavarotti #Lookalike from #Italian #Entertainment at #Cavallaro #Napoli can also be booked for your #event! (bij Italian Entertainment And More - Italian Coffee Handbags)
See on Scoop.it - La Gazzetta Di Lella - News From Italy - Italiaans Nieuws
Silvio Berlusconi’s lawyers dismiss claims that he was secretly filmed in Panama having sex with prostitutes Silvio Berlusconi was secretly filmed having sex with prostitutes during a visit to Panama, it was claimed on Friday. The secret footage was allegedly taken by Walter Lavitola, a businessman and associate of the former prime minister who was previously been convicted of attempting to blackmail him.
See on telegraph.co.uk
See on Scoop.it - Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d’Italia
Shoppers are turning to a festive hamper which includes produce from land that has been seized from the Italian mafia They are Christmas hampers with a uniquely Italian twist — boxes full of wine, olive oil, honey and other treats, but all produced from farmland confiscated from the country’s ruthless mafia clans. As Italians finish the last of their festive shopping this year, the unusual hampers are proving a hit and dealing a symbolic blow against Italy’s powerful organised crime groups.
See on telegraph.co.uk